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Recently I wrote an article discussing the merits of using free re-print articles on your own website to improve your search-engine ranking. This article described how Google loves lots of content o-n your site, how it loves that content to be regularly updated, and how you may get lots of keyword-rich content to your site, absolutely free. See Several days after publishing, I received a please help e-mail from Loren, a small business owner. Her internet site is all about glass artwork , and she needed some clarification on some of the points I made in my previous article. Lorens questions were good ones, and the responses important, so I thought Id publish them. Q: We have a site for glass art. From your report, I gather that when I produce an articles site with free publishing articles published by other folks containing glass art type keywords, I will get larger search rankings for those keywords? Is that right? If thats the case, what page comes up in the ranks? The content itself or my Website? Also, if the article is being applied by other webmasters, will not the search results also include their version of the article? A: In reply to your first concern, yes, having an articles page with keyword rich free publishing articles generally gets the effect of increasing your rank. Google thinks highly of web sites with a great deal of helpful information, however it all boils down to whether other webmasters do as-well. If your site contains lots of helpful material about glass art, other webmasters in the glass art field be they providers, distributors, or competitors will soon be prepared to link to you due to the fact that link indicates to their customers a relationship with you. That relationship raises their standing as you are certainly a power in the field. In addition it may help their particular website positioning only a little as Google will then see them within a professional, credible group of internet sites although the benefits of this for the connecting site are dubious and minimal. So, in a roundabout way, I am saying that yes, article-based information might help your standing, but only when it increases the likelihood that other relevant sites will connect to yours. Clicking [ link emperor review] probably provides lessons you might tell your mom. As to the issue of which page the article itself or your home page displays in search results, that really depends upon which page has got the most links to it*. When you yourself have an article which is only THE BEST way to obtain data in the business, and everyones linking to it, that page will display in the search results. Clicking [ linkemperor] perhaps provides aids you could use with your boss. This is great because people who select this effect are interested specifically in-the content of the post. So when your website features, they have the information they need, and theyll be pleased. And accepting your navigation is clear and easy to use, it is likely theyll at least visit your home page. And eventually, yes, if other internet sites have published the same article, they could display in-the results along side you. The exact same will also apply to the first authors website. But its important to remember that, generally speaking, the site with the highest PR will rank highest in-the results, and its this site that many customers will visit. You should just work hard to ensure that is you! For a good example of how this works, perform a search for a really specific term linked to the article of mine which you have certainly read. Discover more on [ link emperor results] by going to our splendid website. Search Google world wide for Googles love affair with information such as the quotes. Youll notice that the no.1 result is actually a site on which contains my article. The site o-n my site containing the content just ranks no.2. This is because has a larger PR than, and total, the key words are considered more relevant to the remainder of the information on their site than they are to mine. Obviously, this implies that a good article may present several times in the same search results, but thats ok - it just contributes to the authority of the article and the sites containing it. * Above I say that the page that displays in the outcome will be the one with the most links to it. There are some complicating factors here. For instance, the writing in a link plays a big part in how effective that link is. A link to your site that says Go here or examine this site out, will not do you the maximum amount of good as a link which says Glass Art revenue or glass art inventor. So if a lot of people are relating to the page containing this article, however the text within their links is universal, then that page may not rank as highly as a page with fewer - more keyword rich - links pointing to it. Obviously, this assumes that both pages are equally well optimized for search engines and for the sam-e keyword phrases. I am aware that the above is a very specific issue and the answer is full-of ifs and buts, but hopefully this trade will answer a few questions for a few people. Happy reprinting!.
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