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In this simple report, I will show you step-by-step just how to develop your own e-book. Step 1 Start your HTML editor Dreamweaver, FrontPage or and so on ; should you not need one, visit search engine and type, free online editor WYSIWYG. Step 2 Typ-e your message or thought in-to your HTML editor or copy and paste it from your own text editor. Design your page and make it simple. When you, finish your projects, save your file in to specific directory. Consider creating your file in one page or multiple pages that link to each other like site, when designing your page. If you not used to website design, better you design it in single-page. Stage 3 Make your file in-to ebook using ebook compiler. Visit and down load e-book compiler. This is directory of ebook compiler and youll find free ebook compilers too. Down load and install book compiler in to your computer. On-the other hand, head to search engine and type, free ebook compiler. Step 4 Open your ebook compiler and search your file html file you create in step two and follow the teaching in your ebook compiler until end. Stage 5 Go to, acquire WinZip, and set it up. Open WinZip application and create a new Zip file. Increase your ebook file and zip it. To learn additional info, we know you check out [ sponsors]. To get a different standpoint, people may peep at [ Paid Surveys Scam - Tips For Avoiding A Paid Surveys Scam]. Stage 6 FTP or Upload your zip file example - into your web server. You may also sign up for free web hosting. Go to search engine and type, free internet hosting. Stage 7 Distribute your e-book on the web. Distribute it towards the ebook directory or freebie directory if your ebook is free. Visit se and type, free ebook index or submit it to Submit first your e-book to because high traffic was received by their website weekly. Allow your site visitors to get your ebook free. Should you choose to be taught further about [ open in a new browser], we know about many online libraries you might pursue. Now-you have successfully created your own e-book, release it on the web your e-book only may be view by Windows user. Therefore, how your e-book can be view both Windows and Mac users. Its very simple just type your message or thought in word processor and save it in text format. To get different viewpoints, please consider looking at [ more information]. Go-to and follow the training on how to make your text into PDF file. When you successfully create your PDF file, follow action 5, 6, 7. All The Best..
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