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Ive done some experiments in the last month or two about expiring domains with PR to see if its worth your while to catch these expired and deleted domains. My idea why Id prefer to use expired domains could be the opinion that old domains are favored than new domains, and to get quick PR. If you think anything, you will certainly want to check up about [ ::Thomassens Blog:: Article Internet Following Software Review: AffiliateTraction -]. So I attempted to find deleted domains with PR that I can register. One characteristic of domains I was looking for was that the site still had a, and it was still listed in google. I will not be mentioning the actual domains here as I need to control the results and stop individuals from making backlinks to these domains. I listed about 4 areas, some have PR2 and PR3. Some have a few pages found, some have a few thousand. I also ordered several new domains for my new projects. I learned that google seldom visits these areas so I want to prime it but with some new backlinks. After creating some backlinks to these domains, two domains sooner or later lost their PR. Those two areas have only a few pages found in google. In one domain, I did so a 301 permanent direct to the newest index page. Its PR was retained by this domain. One important big difference this domain has compared to the other two is that this domain has thousands of pages listed in google. In another domain, I did a 301 and direct it to a fresh domain. The result is that the new domain got indexed quicker and more pages were indexed when compared with another new domain I registered at the same time frame. But, PR was right down to 0. There is also a case where used to do a 301 direct from a classic deleted domain with PR and never got any benefit from it. In conclusion, theres still conflicting results on whether buying deleted/expired areas. Browse here at the link [ backlinks indexer] to research the inner workings of this idea. Some works, some dont. However, what seem to work is that a. Old remove areas does incorporate traffic from existing backlinks. Some traffic does be still generated by it, if the old area has tons of backlinks. T. Other search-engines such as google and bing dont appear to have an biases against expired/deleted areas.. If you know anything, you will maybe hate to study about [ linklicious vs backlink booster].
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