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Topics covered in this series include: 1 why guard your invention first; 2 turning your invention in-to a marketable product; 3 discovering your customers; 4 determining marketability; 5 setting a profitable wholesale and retail trying to sell price; 6 marketing channels; 7 contacting merchants and retailers; 8 releasing your invention; 9 marketing companies; and 10 save capital money except on educating yourself! A must-read for brains in any way experience levels. Anyone can steal your invention and make money from it them-selves, should you not protect your invention by way of filing a patent ap-plication. While a patent ap-plication does not give you the benefits of patent protection, thats to exclude others from producing, using, offering for sale, promoting, or importing the invention in the united states in which the patent issues, it does at least ideally discourage others from stealing your invention. Thats because you can indicate your product as patent pending or patent applied for if you have applied for a patent thereon. The specific time of application, the kind of patent application filed, and the statements submitted must be kept secret so that for all any potential copier of your creation knows, your patent might issue at any time, thus giving you the chance to apply your patent rights against such person, who would be an infringer of your patent. If you show that you just filed your patent application, that its a provisional patent application, or that it is a design patent application, it provides the possible copier of your invention an idea that your patent wont matter for quite some time, and an idea of the scope of protection you might eventually get. [ Our Tips Ensure Purchasing On Line Saves You Funds The Sea Esta] includes further about the purpose of this idea. In the event you hate to identify new information on [ go there], there are heaps of on-line databases people might pursue. The bottom line, regular consult with a competent patent attorney or patent agent to discuss the details of protecting your creation! Sincerely, Brian Kiminas. Rayve, Esq. Dig up new info on this affiliated website by browsing to [ patent pending]. Owner,
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