We often look after our young granddaughters, aged 3 and seven, and even though we love to see them, its a bit troubling on occasion, being that they are both susceptible to chest problems. We decided that, for security when the girls are over, we would obtain an infra-red thermometer. Wed been aware of temporal artery thermometers, and whilst that is certainly a good way to record the temperature, since there is no contact, our younger granddaughter gets quite panicky if something is placed around her facial area or brow. We do not understand the real reason for this, but she is likely to freak out if we made an effort to take her temperature in this manner. We encountered the answer to the situation with the TempIR Double Function Infra-red Thermometer, which can in addition be used to take a temperature from the ears. Seeing that she has simply no problem with timpanic temperature taking, we thought we would get the thermometer from Amazon online.It arrived in no time, and I was impressed by the calibre of the merchandise. It is durable, and so even if a distressed kid knocks it on the ground, it will not destroy it. The thing I really love though is the significant control keys, along with the readable screen that can easily be set to C or F. That is certainly really convenient for older people just like me, with inflexible fingers and not so good sight. And I was indeed showed temperatures in Fahrenheit in school, therefore I understand that much better. No matter how great a thermometer seems to be, it has to be precise, and this specific one undoubtedly is.When I had to visit the general practitioner, I took my TempIR for comparison with his pricey product. The doctor is really so happy with the accuracy and reliability of my thermometer, hes now obtained numerous to make use of within his practice.It is extremely good to have a thermometer thats so simple to work with, as I seriously dont do technical. For different interpretations, please consider taking a gander at: [http://www.amazon.co.uk/TempIR-Thermometer-Multi-function-Thermometers-Temperatures/dp/B00KCJPPXG/ref=sr_1_23?m=A35BBR32NQ829P Click for more about this best baby thermometer product]. With simply 5 major factors to the thermometer, there is not much to go wrong, and the directions are straightforward as well as simple to follow. And there is the TempIR life long assurance to rely on if something did go wrong. I cant recall that of any other product that delivers this promise. When you have a family to look after, I advocate you acquire the TempIR Double Mode Infrared Thermometer. I believe, every household needs to have one!.