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PR UPGRADE IN MOST GOOGLE KNOWLEDGE MIDDLE From last day or two I noticed different page ranking in different Google datacenter and to-day in the day when I reached to-the office and as per plan I was examining my sites I noticed PR update on all my new domains. I visited several internet site to-day and found this PR upgrading is not too advantageous to previous well rated websites. I examined important search engine optimization websites and other well ranked websites and I noticed primarily websites PR went down. Recently Google had changed protocol and very strict about linking. Get supplementary resources on [ consumers] by navigating to our dazzling URL. In Google web-master device they launched paid links form where you could come up with any web site that trying to sell or purchasing a link. Mainly paid linking is used to manipulation of se. Dig up further on the affiliated article by visiting [ official website]. Should you claim to dig up extra information on [], we know of thousands of online resources people can investigate. I visited; theyre also trying to sell links and discovered that their page ranking falls from 7 to 4. That shows Google is quite rigid about linking and in future Google might punish site that involved in paid linking. Googles Pr Upgrade Goes After Paid Links? Seems like there is a Full Page Rank update occurring now that seems to be affecting internet sites that offer links. Browse here at [ BIZESO BLOG: HOW GOOD IS THE WEBLOG? HERES A FREE WAY TO TEST IT] to research the purpose of this activity. Cant say that we werent informed concerning this. Danny Sullivan wrote Official: Selling Paid Links Can Hurt Your PageRank Or Rankings On Google over two weeks before, and now it appears several sites are getting hit with a drop in Pr. Here is a list of some sites, including major publishers, who seem to have taken a hit overnight: PR7 to PR5 PR7 to PR5 PR7 to PR5 PR7 to PR5 PR10 to PR6 PR7 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 PR7 to PR5 PR6 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 PR7 to PR4 PR7 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 PR6 to PR3 PR6 to PR4 PR5 to PR3 PR7 to PR4 PR6 to PR4 I am sure there are lots of more. Is this a direct attack against web sites that offer paid links? Thats too much to say for certain. FOR LOGON: and MORE DETAILS CONTACT.
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