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Last edited on 2015-04-23 16:01:40 by JoanNe377 [fixed some errors]
Give Me Shelter: Movie Tops List of Best Films on Netflix in 2015
Netflix Premieres Katie Cleary's Award-Winning Documentary "Give Me Shelter"
[[|Netflix]] - L . a ., CA--(Marketwired - March 26, 2015) - After 3 dedicated years, along with a time of advocating for animal welfare, Actress and Producer Katie Cleary, has released the powerful award-winning documentary titled, "Give Me Shelter" which premieres on Netflix May 1st. "Give Me Shelter" is really a film to improve awareness for some of the most basic animal welfare issues world-wide. In addition, it shines the light about the individuals who dedicate their lives each day to rescue, rehabilitate or take care of these animals while as being a voice for your voiceless. The film stars Oscar Winner Ric O'Barry most widely known for his work on "The Cove", Actress Tippi Hedren, Alison Eastwood, Esai Morales, Michael Vartan, Robert Davi and many more animal advocates lending their name to the cause.
The star studded premiere from the documentary "Give Me Shelter," made by Katie Cleary and directed by Kristin Rizzo, happened at West Hollywood City Council final month 24th. In attendance, to aid the production were celebrities Esai Morales, Alison Eastwood, Garry Beers founding person in INXS, Dominic Howard of Muse, Nicky Whelan, Kristen Renton, Eric Jones, Travis Aaron Wade, Steven Lyon, Carole Raphelle Davis and more. The powerful film had celebrities like Russell Simmons and Adrian Grenier lending their support by posting on social media that it is a "must see movie" while Actress Nikki Reed boldly posted the next on her behalf WhoSay:
"Just finished watching a profoundly moving documentary on animal abuse called Supply Shelter. This kind of film is indeed impactful and so educational since it tackles virtually every group of animal issues/abuse: from puppy mills to elephant poaching, skinning Tigers to Circus', testing on chimpanzees to eating horses." Reed procedes to confess, "YES it's uncomfortable. YES it helped me cry. YES it's excruciatingly painful. But wait, how can we create awareness and encourage change without information?...I'm so livid, so distraught so outraged by what I've just seen…Please, when you have a heart, watch this film."
[[|Netflix]] - The after party to celebrate the production with the film to iTunesMovies, Amazon, Vudu, CinemaNow, and Netflix (May 1st) took place at Pearl's on Sunset Blvd. There, the cast and VIP guests were treated to a special surprise performance by actor Esai Morales, and MUSE band member, Dominic Howard (who jumped on drums!) It had been per night to become remembered, and a pivotal moment to advocate change for animal welfare.
To interview Katie Cleary, please contact Tracy Keyser:
[[|Films]] - For additional info on "Give Me Shelter" please visit or see the trailer here:
Follow @Katie_Cleary and @Peace_4_Animals on twitter for your latest in animal welfare issues.
Katie Cleary's award-winning documentary “Give Me Shelter” starring Tippi Hedren, Ric O’Barry (The Cove), Alison Eastwood, and Esai Morales is one of the best films on NetFlix.
How you can stop having a drink
If you're a slave to alcohol and can’t break check your grip then join the club will countless other active alcoholics. Alcoholism is really a disease so if you're not sure you've alcoholism, you might like to click on what exactly is an alcoholic for more information. What's promising, there is freedom! I will be living proof, and I can point to a number of other examples.
First thing we have to establish if we want to learn to stop drinking alcohol is always that moderation, cutting back, and control are impossible. Impossible if you are suffering from alcoholism. Those who claim it is possible are deceiving us. When someone is selling me around the “you can moderate your drinking” solution I will guarantee one of two things. The individual selling the “control it” idea just isn't an alcoholic or they may be an alcoholic who’s in denial. Alcoholics have to abolish the notion they are able to moderate, cut back, control, or take it easy in terms of having a drink. It simply doesn’t work. It is a known fact that when we suffer from alcoholism, then abstinence is the only solution. We can’t waste our time, money and life considering another solution. Most active alcoholics are advancing toward impending death. Otherwise an actual death through illness and accidents, a death from the soul. Continuing around the alcohol abuse path is a sure way with a life filled with misery. I know, since i was there.
To answer the question; How you can stop drinking alcohol we are confronted with a selection. We can act or and we don't act. You will find there's choice. As we decide to act, we want to get plugged in. Think it is this way. What are the results with you turn on a lamp? The lighting comes on. We are able to see clearly. The area is bright. We can see where we're. Where we have been going. It’s not scary. We could find lost things. It’s connected to the cause, which in this instance is electricity. When we learn to stop drinking alcohol, it’s exactly the same. We have to plug in to a source that will light our way of life. We can’t just say “I am going to quit drinking” then do nothing and expect to be sober in Thirty days. We always fail. Always. If you are an alcoholic, you may turnaround for the to drinking, always. We are able to only white knuckle it such a long time prior to the grip of alcohol seems to have us again. Then to the merry-go-round lifetime of misery. We'd like a source and that we need to be connected on a regular basis.
Here’s finished ., we're going to hit rocky instances when attempting to stop having a drink. We are going to try. We are going to experience cravings. It’s true. It'll suck, but there's hope. That hope is in a strong recovery program. The recovery program becomes the origin, the strength, the light within our lives. We simply cannot be prepared to stop having a drink if we are plugged into the incorrect sources, like money, people, jobs, and our very own competence. We will simply fail. We'd like a solid program. We need to be reflecting, mediating, praying, choosing other alcoholics, keeping a journal, eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, out there goes on. Our everyday life have to take a 180 degree turn as going to discover ways to stop having a drink. We have to be prepared to let go in our old ideas. We have to practise recovery daily and that we find good causes of recovery and then we keep motivated avoiding the traps of relapse.
If you want assistance finding help, you are able to send me an e-mail at
[[|Alcohol Abuse]]

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The oldest known version of this page was created on 2015-04-13 19:40:41 by MichiKo898 [fixed some errors]
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