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If youre perhaps not involved in the search engine marketing area, January 21st, 2007 probably held no meaning for you. Browse here at the link [ seo marketing company] to learn the meaning behind this enterprise. But, if youre an internet search engine marketer or SEO, you possibly remember while the day January 21st that Wikipedia died. For the untrained eye, Wikipedia is strictly the same today as it was half a year before. To read additional info, you are asked to check out [ bring it hosting Produce Stunning Circumstances in Web World]. But, when you look below the top and take a peek, you can see one difference thats had a direct effect on the world of search engine optimization NOFOLLOW. In the language of Matt Cutts, rel=nofollow characteristic can be an easy way for a site to tell search-engines the web site cant or doesnt wish to vouch for a link. Before January 21st, NOFOLLOW was mainly used for blog comments. That helped blog owners cut down on comment spam. Discover supplementary information about [ seo company services] by visiting our forceful wiki. NOFOLLOW was also used in some situations to represent a link, but this can be a whole other conflict thatll have to be preserved for another report. On every single confident link the reason why that Wikipedias usage of NOFOLLOW caused such a mix is basically because many people viewed it as probably the most hypocritical decision that Wikipedia may have made. The main reason that Wikipedia has become so popular and works so well in the SERPs is that web site owners and writers generally guide Wikipedia. When they do this, they provide a link back to Wikipedia. Each time that this process occurs, Wikipedia gains a tad bit more acceptance in the search-engines. They are telling the various search engines that though we guide a website and may use material from it within our article, we dont want you to give any credit to it, when Wikipedia decided to implement the draw. It is because of this that numerous have began to view Wikipedia as a hypocrisy. To study additional info, we recommend people view at [ McnewJewell964 - ??wiki]. While NOFOLLOW has probably reduce the amount of spam Wikipedia has to battle, but as many the others have stated, Wikipedia could have chosen an alternative way of fighting spam that didnt punish quality web sites which deserve to be identified by Wikipedia..
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