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With so much curiosity about how social networks work, one begins to wonder when there is advertising potential within these social networks? I have been seeing social networking for a while now. The truth is I am an associate of various social network web sites including and just... There has been a virtual explosion of social network web sites before few years. Even the large players like Google, Yahoo and MSN are becoming into it. With therefore much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder when there is advertising potential within these social networks? I have been seeing social network for some time now. In reality I'm an associate of various social-networking internet sites including and simply to name two. I joined partly because I wanted to see what they were, but more to the point to see what influence social networking could have on SEM in-the coming years. I have been an associate of various services for some time and the reach these sites have is extraordinary. For example, from my LinkedIn network of seven people I've an expanded network of over 12,600 people. Be taught further about [] by navigating to our powerful link. Imagine that - I'm just a click or two away from close to 13,000 other folks who share my similar interests ranging from what I like to watch o-n TV to work I could provide for them. Through my connections and their connections, I'm related to people including the American Cancer Society, to Sun Microsystems to the University of Texas to Google. But what marketing possibilities are there for Social Network? Well, let's take a look at MySpace. MySpace is among the prime sites on the net today. In case you want to be taught new resources about [], there are many resources people should think about pursuing. I-t racked up 9.4 thousand page-views in August 2005 (more than Google) and new customers are signing up in a mind-boggling rate of 3.5 million monthly. MySpace is typical of where todays 18-30 year-old would go to manage their digital life. I-t allows users to publish photographs of themselves and their friends, develop a blog, record a common groups, watch and share videos, suggest things you can do and lists some people they consider friends. It's with this 'Friends List' where most of the opportunities lay. All forty million plus consumers of MySpace have a friends page that lists people that person considers their friend. This is a list of people that they are interested in conversing with and about, in addition to hearing from on a regular basis. They can send you messages, comment on your photographs, read your sites, as well as abandon messages that you can then share with others after you add somebody as your friend. This really is a chance for quick feedback about you. The capacity to include friends to your site is key for advertising to MySpace consumers. Based on Courtney Holt, head of new media and strategic advertising at Interscope Records, 'This technology is growing up without having ever observed developed media. 'They don't think in terms of-the recording, and they don't think in terms of a TV schedule. They think when it comes to TiVo, P2P, AOL, and naturally MySpace. You can see how this may develop. For one more viewpoint, please check-out []. Let's say you develop a MySpace account to speak about your product or service. You website about it and look for your interests that may be shared by others. After this you invite them to be your friend. When they develop into a friend you begin your 'gentle market' begging your solution in their mind. As they grow to appreciate it, they begin blogging and sharing it. Quickly thousands or even thousand of people are talking about you and your product or service. Do not think this will work? I'd like to give some examples to you. There are many companies who have gotten their begin MySpace. By simply hosting some of their music on line and blogging about them-selves they developed a following. Soon they'd report deals and contracts lined up. Of course to utilize services like MySpace you-need to get some thing this target audience needs. If you do not then you probably shouldn't put an excessive amount of effort in-to MySpace. But that does not mean other social networking opportunities must be ignored. When I mentioned previously, LinkedIn is more of a professional introduction service. If your product or service fits here then by all means explore it further. And there are others aswell. Companies for example Flickr, Yahoos MyWeb, and more. When you have ever wondered what other online options may be out there, con-sider social media. It may be the next great website marketing channel..
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