Wiki source for DomainNamesProtectYoursFromFallCatchers

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Imagine youre the owner of a fruitful Website, but when you logon one-day all you get is an error message. Or even worse, the domain name now points to your site filled with adverts. Thats right. Youre from business. This happens each day as a result of perfectly legitimate process referred to as drop catching, where people easily catch the domain names owners have let terminate and make an effort to market them or use the links associated with the names, which could be extensive, to generate Web sites loaded with ads. It is simple to avoid becoming a victim of a fall catcher by better understanding the way the domain registration system works to safeguard your domain name. Your Online site, with all the information you have so carefully included, sits on a computer with an unique address called an INTERNET PROTOCOL ADDRESS address, that is merely a group of numbers. A domain name is an address forwarding service that directs people to the site by using this Ip Address address. We discovered [[ hostgator coupon code 2011]].

Site NamesProtect Your's From Fall Catchers
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