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Its almost a cliche, but the main selling point for most FPS video game followups is the in-game graphics. It is clear that images don't "make" the game, but it is a characteristic that is significantly valued by FPS buffs and is a characteristic that you're ensured to see in every first-person shooter sequel.
New Maps
Sure, a few map remakes here and there will not hurt, but a first-person shooter with the same battle fields as its forerunner would not be that appealing to hardcore fans of the FPS gaming genre. New maps can be hit or miss depending on how they are made and the maps of any FPS sequel can make or break a game.
New Weapons
1 of the features that you are guaranteed to get with any FPS follow-up, that is not always a good thing, are new weapons.
New Story

New In-game Characters and Customization
In part, new characters and customization go hand in hand with new images, but in the big scheme of things, new characters do not matter because in an FPS game, you are the chief character.

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By now on-line multiplayer gaming has been around for awhile. Initially online gamers could simply convey through keyboard means, but then voice chat (and now video chat) came into play, creating a whole new slew of issues, although it was quite advanced and helpful, too.
First person shooter gaming culture definitely has changed since their initial blossom. I remember the days when I first started playing first person shooters online; my first online shooter (players could, if they needed to, swivel between first and third person) was "Socom" for the Playstation 2. It was the first game that came with a headset for the Playstation 2. At the same time X-Box Live was becoming increasingly popular, too, so many online gamers were becoming accustomed to communicating and dealing with others through the means of voice communication. The PC had both overcome, with programs such as Ventrilo enabling PC gamers to use voice chat, which came in handy when playing games like the first "Call of Duty".
Initially folks were very relaxed online - very few gamers [[ read more]] would lash out, cry, cry, howl, or instigate fights through the voice communication. And, if someone did instigate a fight, generally others would help break it apart and relax tensions; ordinarily this would operate. The novelty of voice communications made many people quite apprehensive - never had players been able to communicate with complete strangers using their voice. Many players were concerned, and the thought of trying to cyber-bully someone, for whatever motive, never stumbled upon their head.
As time advanced, so did the development of the shooter community. I started playing the new games that came out in the music genre, most notably the ever-so-popular "Halo 2" - the first on-line multiplayer Halo game. As stated before, most people were very relaxed, but I did start to take notice of something - more folks were becoming pests. There were more individuals creating difficulties by arguing, using obscenities and racial slurs, and instigating fights. I knew it was bound to occur - bad apples would always be around, so it had to be born. The anonymity of on-line multiplayer games was advantageous for these individuals, as they probably had to let out their emotions through this emotional cyber-vent. Annoying to, you know, routine folks such as myself and the bulk of other gamers out there. At that time, compared to now, it was tolerable.
I took some time off from profound first person shooter gaming. When I came back, I was rather astonished - folks (of all ages I might add) were unbelievably rude. "Gamers", and I use the word broadly, were shouting and screaming. In the foyer some folks would shout into their mic at the top of their lungs forEvident motive. Someone would scream obscenities at another player without provocation. An clear "gang mentality" had enveloped the FPS gaming community, which was evident when there was a group of players, on occasion a clan, that will attempt and cyber-bully other players for no obvious motive.
Things progressively have gotten worse, particularly within the Call of Duty set. I really like the series, and so I picked up the next 1 - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The game itself was great, although unbalanced (but that is another story). Yet, the community got amazingly worse. I do not want to state which each kid playing the game was ill mannered, but a large quantity of the children would shout to the mics (keep in your mind this game is rated "M For Mature", whereas these kids were [[ Read More In this article]] readily Socom. Many of these children are wonderful, and can comprehend the responsibility of using voice communication. Yet, in today's day in age, it seems that most children cannot handle it - vulgar language runs uncontrolled, especially in matches rated for a higher age. The worst part is that parents then get mad and attribute video game companies; But where did these youngsters get these games? One time I visited GameStop and saw a mom buying Grand Theft Auto 3 for a child that looked no older than 13.
My love for these games just grew, despite the download coil of the online community. These will be the games in which I have seen the pinnacle of the decline of the FPS community - an abyss of vulgar language, awful dispositions, crying, shouting, and strain. One time I got into a lobby in Call of Duty: Black Ops to have a guy attack me and another player for no motive. This cyber-bully was followed by a few of his buddies, so he was trying to look "cool" I suppose. But still, when the advent of voice communication came into play for FPS on-line multiplayer games, these things rarely (practically never) happened. It's hard to center on game play if you have a confirmed 12-year old singing Justin Bieber lyrics at the top of his lungs.
Despite the deterioration of the online community in a bulk of popular shooter games, I still love these games. I still buy them, and that I still play whenever I get the opportunity. Fortunately many games (or even all) have added in the "Mute" feature, which allows players to selectively mute any player they pick inside a game. While this will not solve all issues, it definitely helps.
Overall, though, the communities have gotten worse. In the time when I first started playing Socom, many players shunned the thought of glitching/cheating online, as it entirely ruined the experience. I saw, even because game, as time advanced that players were increasingly do it. Some cheats even allowed these cheaters to knock people out of games, become invincible, and even fly in the sky to rain down panic. Now, on X-Box Live, most cheats, glitches, and exploits are patched comparatively rapidly, which will be reasonable since it's a pay-to-play system. However, in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, there was a time when each and every match I went into players were glitching. And these were not small glitches, either.
In the end, as corny as it may sound, there is no honour in FPS online gaming. A haven that was once ran by players looking to better themselves or play competitively has become a cyber-abyss of cheaters, glitchers, and boisterous players yelling obscenities and causing unnecessary problems.

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