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Before search-engines got wise, a site's site ranking was predicated on key-word match-ups. The incorrect sites were getting too much attention, when webmasters stock-piled their sites with key words. This influential [ ::Hawkins's Blog: ABOUT LINKS FOR SEO -] link has numerous splendid suggestions for the inner workings of it. Google decided to give attention to a site's 'recognition' rather. Dig up additional resources on this affiliated website by clicking [ BookCrossing - linkemperorbeet's Bookshelf]. Discover new information about [ BookCrossing - emperorresultship's Bookshelf] by going to our splendid portfolio. How many incoming links became the focus of PR criteria. The theory behind this system was that if plenty of internet sites connect to yet another site, that site could contain useful content. But again, webmasters got sly. With this development, we started to begin to see the evolution of 'Link Farms' and 'Free-for-All' (FFA) web sites. These pages were essentially a gigantic collection of (quite often) ineffective links. In most cases, the websites were not grouped or detailed. In order to make their site seem very popular they became a place for webmasters to remove their links. This plan worked for some time, but soon search-engines caught on. 'Link Farms' and FFA websites served no purpose to internet users. Since Google prides itself o-n catering to users (and MAYBE not designers), a remedy must be created. 'Link Farms' were cluttering up the net and making it more challenging for users to get valuable resources online. Google soon began to rate the quality of the links that decided a site's 'link pop.' 'Link Farms' and FFA web sites became classified as junk, and thus contributed no value to some site's link popularity. Today, submitting to some 'Link Farm' or FFA site could be bad for your website's name. Google takes a strong position against such link pages. At best, the 'Link Farm' may drag down your position and allow it to be harder for that valuable sites to work-in your favor. Visiting [ Link Strategies - The Page2FBrin Effect PureVolumeā„¢ We're Listening To You] seemingly provides cautions you can use with your girlfriend. At worst, your website will soon be BARRED altogether for using junk sites to attempt to generate traffic. It is a very real possibility. 'Link Farms' and FFA websites present very little value. Quality or relevant links won't be obtained by users from your distribution, even though it may seem attractive. Plus, who would like to see their link among 'crap' sites for adult activity, online dating sites, and casinos? Distributing to 'Link Farms' doesn't subscribe to your credibility and is just not worth the risk. Alternatively, spend your own time submitting to reliable directories and exchanging links with other related sites. The process might be time-consuming, but it is the only way to build secure, site-specific traffic. For an easier solution to the boring service submission approach, and to Submit your website to 300 link directories fast and easy we suggest Directory Submitter..
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