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Area supportive government living in the perfectly clean, perfectly embellished home, driving the very costly and regularly step-by-step car suddenly sees hair, dust and spit every-where, completely changes life-style and falls in love with everything. Does this sound familiar for you? You are one of many! So just how did you get together with your dog? If you are anything like me, all it took was one look from Chan, the wonderful Chow or possibly in your case the look from Lucy the beautiful Labradoodle or Buddy the royal Boxer. I met my son Chan a few days after he had lost his life-long dog friend Kaiya. H-e was unhappy. He wouldnt eat, just laid around. What else does one do, but help him through his grief? We fell in love. Bless his heart, at six years of age he was as neat and clean when I am. He wasnt big on beaches or mud puddles, didnt mind having his legs cleaned, and thanks be to heaven, never slobbered. Yet another clear nut! When my Channie managed to move on to doggie heaven at 1-4 years, I realized how much I had grown to love the doggie life style. Two months later, I was generally feeling miserable, and still missing my canine friend. The advertising in-the newspaper read: Blue Chow puppies. Whats that? Maybe I should take a peek. Just look. Honest. How could you fight this little grey ball of fur? Wagging so difficult her whole bottom was for action and piddling every-where from excitement. They just have an easy method of steeling your heart. Driving away with her on my lap, like most of us would, I wondered what the heck I have I done? She looked up, gave a little lick to me, and all was well in my own world. But, all dogs aren't created equal. Unlike my son Chan, my woman Keisha was no clean freak. Playing in the sea, digging in the mud, and chilling out in mud puddles, were a negative combination for my car seat. How do you deal with the dirty feet on your rug or the slobber and sand on the-car upholstery? The chaos in my car was enough to inspire me to begin a new company. There must be the others like me; dog lovers who also enjoy a clean car and house. My company, Practical Pet makes puppy car seat covers that truly work. Other products coming on the web soon include non-toxic, biography degradable scent cds, cleansing fluids and other Practical products for owners. Visit [[ per your request]] to research the reason for this idea. So, alls well that ends well. We develop lives around these precious ones that allow us to exist more completely. Just like you, often much to your surprise new jobs, houses and attitudes arise for people dog lovers. Who knew everything you were set for! I really like my new life, and with my doggy impressed creative thinking, may once again enjoy my white rugs and clear child car seats.CarpetFirst 78 York Street London W1H 1DP 020 8099 8444

How To Enjoy Your Dirty Dog and Change Your Life!
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