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What's DMOZ or OPD The DMOZ (Directory Mozilla) or Open Directory Project (ODP) is the most complete human edited directory of the Internet which can be published by a massive worldwide community of volunteer editors. Most of search engines including AOL Search, Netscape Search, Google, Lycos, DirectHit, and hundreds of the others obtain knowledge from OPD. Therefore if your site is listed on OPD it becomes automatically listed on most of search engines. There's no need to submit your site to any internet search engine manually, or to utilize costly site distribution computer software or services. For Web Site advertising and promotion all you need is always to publish your website to OPD and just curl up. Your site will be automatically found by search engines. And the best part is that listing o-n ODP is 100 free. There's no charge to send a website or even to its knowledge. Anyone can get and use ODP knowledge at zero cost provided they comply with the ODP's free license agreement and attribution. For another interpretation, consider taking a gaze at [ Listing Of Social Network Sites For Internet Marketers · Storify]. Also, there is no cost associated with list and publishing sites. Finding a DMOZ listing is quite valuable and also crucial to your company because it can be an Open Directory listing. As there are lots of other search directories that use their pages to be generated by ODP’s results an open service. Furthermore, a great number of webmasters use programs to list all or the main DMOZ directory on their site, and this in turn raises a site’s Page Rank. Who is running the ODP? The ODP is maintained by Netscape Communication Corporation. It is operated with a very small staff in charge of editorial procedures and community management, direction and improvement, and systems engineering. However, the ODP is first and foremost a self-regulating group of net-citizens that fundamentally works itself. Through a system of self-governance, the ODP offer editors manage the directory's growth and devel-opment, and through a system of checks-and-balances, ensure the index is of superior quality. What does 'DMOZ' imply, and how can it be associated with the Open Directory Project (ODP)? The ODP can be called DMOZ, an acronym for Directory Mozilla. This name reflects its free relationship with Netscape's Mozilla task, an Open Source visitor project. The ODP originated in the spirit of Open-source, where preservation and development are performed by net-citizens, and benefits are made easily available for many net-citizens. What's difference between a search engine and the ODP? The ODP is just a Web service, not just a se. In case you require to identify further about [ benistar update], we know about thousands of resources people should consider investigating. The purpose of the ODP is always to record and sort the websites. OPD doesn't rank, promote or improve sites for search engines. The ODP is merely an information service to majority of search engines. ODP information users, such as Netscape, AOL and Google and countless the others, deploy their own search functionality on the site. How to Submit a site to the Open Directory? Identify the single most readily useful type for your site. The Open Directory posseses an great array of subjects to select from. You must submit a site to the single most relevant category. Go directly to that class o-n and then press 'suggest URL.' Follow the directions on the distribution form carefully. Descriptions of internet sites should describe the content of your website briefly and effectively Getting Your Website In to Portals and Se's Using ODP Data If your site is accepted into the Open Directory, it could take anywhere from two weeks to many weeks for the site to be stated on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, Google, Netscape Search, Yahoo Search, and a huge selection of other sites Visit for listing your website o-n ODP. For more such posts on Web Site Design and Marketing visit .
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