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Give Me Shelter: Movie Tops List of Best Films on Netflix in 2015
Netflix Premieres Katie Cleary's Award-Winning Documentary "Give Me Shelter"
[[|Katie Cleary]] - LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - March 26, 2015) - After 3 dedicated years, plus a lifetime of advocating for animal welfare, Actress and Producer Katie Cleary, has released the powerful award-winning documentary titled, "Give Me Shelter" which premieres on Netflix May 1st. "Give Me Shelter" can be a film to improve awareness for some of the most basic animal welfare issues world-wide. It also shines an easy around the those who dedicate their lives every day to rescue, rehabilitate or look after these animals while as being a voice for the voiceless. The show stars Oscar Winner Ric O'Barry most commonly known for his focus on "The Cove", Actress Tippi Hedren, Alison Eastwood, Esai Morales, Michael Vartan, Robert Davi and more animal advocates lending their name towards the cause.
The star studded premiere with the documentary "Give Me Shelter," created by Katie Cleary and directed by Kristin Rizzo, occurred at West Hollywood City Council last month 24th. In attendance, to support the production were celebrities Esai Morales, Alison Eastwood, Garry Beers founding person in INXS, Dominic Howard of Muse, Nicky Whelan, Kristen Renton, Eric Jones, Travis Aaron Wade, Steven Lyon, Carole Raphelle Davis and more. The powerful film had celebrities like Russell Simmons and Adrian Grenier lending their support by posting on social media marketing that it is "must see movie" while Actress Nikki Reed boldly posted these on her behalf WhoSay:
"Just finished watching a profoundly moving documentary on animal abuse called Supply Shelter. This kind of film is really impactful and thus educational since it tackles nearly every category of animal issues/abuse: from puppy mills to elephant poaching, skinning Tigers to Circus', testing on chimpanzees to eating horses." Reed procedes confess, "YES it's uncomfortable. YES it helped me cry. YES it's excruciatingly painful. But exactly how can we create awareness and inspire change without information?...I will be so livid, so distraught so outraged in what I've just seen…Please, when you have a heart, watch this film."
[[|Documentary]] - The after party to celebrate the production with the film to iTunesMovies, Amazon, Vudu, CinemaNow, and Netflix (May 1st) happened at Pearl's on Sunset Blvd. There, the cast and VIP guests were treated to some special surprise performance by actor Esai Morales, and MUSE band member, Dominic Howard (who jumped on drums!) It was an evening to become remembered, and a pivotal moment to advocate change for animal welfare.
To interview Katie Cleary, please contact Tracy Keyser:
[[|Celebrities]] - For additional info on "Give Me Shelter" check out or view the trailer here:
Follow @Katie_Cleary and @Peace_4_Animals on twitter for the latest in animal welfare issues.
Katie Cleary's award-winning documentary “Give Me Shelter” starring Tippi Hedren, Ric O’Barry (The Cove), Alison Eastwood, and Esai Morales is one of the best films on NetFlix.
Pici Cafe, Italian restaurant in Los Gatos California
Traditional Italian food
Products which might be most accessible to nearby housewives cause traditions in food. They're often perhaps not only nationwide foods ingredients. Hence, speaking about Italy, each probably imagines at least three products, strongly connected in individuals with this state: olives, cheese and nuts.
Olives in Croatia might be observed in pizza or a favorite salad not only with tourists and locals, but purely on the olive trees on the road. Italy's balmy climate permits fruits to mature slowly, fill with sweet and fantastic taste that's unique to the Italian olives that are black. Italians use olives for olive oil - a flavorful salad dressing and simultaneously miracle cosmetic. Olives lead in lots of nationwide German meals recipes. Additionally, the unripe olives, Italians consume and marinate as a snack for drink. Such collation is the German choice to salted cucumbers.
One of the great selection of German cheeses there exists a king of cheese. This is not soft cheese needs specific to its reverence. Before being posted to the desk in the basements of Italian it develops within a couple of years. Another well-known cheese - gorgonzola - owes its birth on neglect Milan Farmers, once accidentally added to clean in the can yesterday's dairy. Shortly the milk curdle and covered with mould that is blue. The resulting cheese that is discard was a shame, especially since the taste of it was fairly gratifying. Who might have believed that soon gorgonzola might be among the most expensive cheese on the planet.
Almond, a similarly menacing and delicious, expanding on the trees that decorated roads of numerous Italian towns. But we shouldn't succumb to temptation. Fruits of numerous kinds of walnuts are not nonpoisonous. And the ones that are not dangerous, it's not so good as it seems superficially. Perception is deceptive. It must undergo a treatment that is particular to create almond got the amazing taste, to which we are all used to. Bitter-almond Italians use to create chocolate along with the famous liqueur Amaretto. Amygdalus dulcis is a part of many recipes, including meals that do not have anything regarding puddings.
Dieticians all around the globe are very pleasant to the Italian foods, as a result of large volume of fruits and veggies utilized inside it. If southern dinner in a sunny state isn't filled with one of these gifts of nature, and really, it might be strange. Tomatoes of different kinds - from huge, ready to burst to cherry tomatoes that are modest, berries equally, unusually sweet, in the careless touch of succulent fruits. Lemons and oranges, as well as almonds, dividing white peaches, cherished favourite more familiar to Russians and German basil garlic that is unique and nice and bitter varieties familiar yellow these form the basis of the national German food.
A glass of good wine that is red finishes food in Italy. Wine also offers changed into a conventional German merchandise, which will be unthinkable without dinner or an actual lunch. But Italians prefer to consume a-cup of cappuccino, which can be still hardly a conventional product, but, however, enjoys excellent recognition in Croatia, today.
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