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Everything began in the late 90's. I wanted to place some information o-n my website. A journal. A listing of future events. I started with simple HTML. One-page, with areas for every post. Simple. Then I heard about 'websites' and 'blogging.' Being smart, I picked Word-press, the most popular software. How smart, I thought. Anybody can set up an internet site, In the event that you obtain the WYSIWYG editor going. Very democratic. This inspired my to post my outermost thoughts; o-n London, politics, and personal gripes. Being a webmaster, I watched to see Google index them. To get a second perspective, please consider having a glance at: [[ official website]] maybe provides cautions you can give to your mother. WARNING: They're severe. If you curently have good rankings, making radical changes to your URLs may affect them. Within my case: - Moving my blog to-the root web listing, - MOD_REWRITING its URLs, and - Removing a 301 redirect, .. caused my PageRank to go to 0. BUT, page indexing was untouched. This was temporary, as Google saw it as 'suspect' conduct. My site had been radically changed by me. Here are the recommendations, for real _men_, who can look in the face area of web death and laugh: 1. Trigger permalinks by visiting 'Options/Permalinks.' You may have to enable Apache MOD_REWRITE on your web consideration. 1a. Lessen the permalinks rule to just-the variable. Do not work with the time codes. This keeps your URLs small. 2. Point your website in the listing possible. surpasses So an average post would seem like rather than 3. Then install an SEO'd theme. My websites are increasingly being listed beautifully. The Google 'site:' command returns all my articles, and little else. For my next concern, I accept Windows XP, and turn it into an operating system.

My Troubles With Wordpress Designs
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