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Podcasting is the next step-up from blogging. While blogging is done by armies of pajama-clad ordinary people, podcasting is done by several same people, though less often in pajamas, facing an electronic or audio recorder. Short pieces are recorded, then distributed via RSS 2.0 or Atom for their site, on average a site. Listeners and viewers can then download podcasts using podcast consumers. A good podcast client as an example, Juice, CastPodder, or iTunes will allow you to subscribe to the RSS/Atom supply of your beloved podcasters and automatically acquire the information to a computer or to a portable audio player when new goods can be found. Many podcasters create their content in MP3 or MP4 audio or video files and distribute them, linking to the document in a blog post. Users can then follow the link to download this content if theyre maybe not automatically subscribed for the RSS/Atom supply. The problem has never experienced getting the content to the web page, but in getting the content to function with the supply systems. New podcasting data will be automatically included by wordpress, in most cases, inside your RSS/Atom feed system. This makes it easy for you to provide content and for your people to subscribe to that content. For most of us, above and WordPress 1.5 will podcast quickly and instantly. Once you connect to the audio file in a WordPress article using the full URL handle, it automatically brings it for the RSS/Atom supply and makes it usable like a podcast. Be sure you use a complete address: Wrong: My podcast Right: My podcast Your last step is to put a link to your RSS/Atom prey on your site. Automagically, the bottles are found in the bottom of your WordPress site. The link should look something similar to this if you are using RSS: The link will look like this:, If you are using Atom In early in the day versions of WordPress, automated links work for posts just, maybe not for static pages. You must be specific to republish the post containing the link since if you change a linked file, WordPress must keep correct file size data. Learn further on the affiliated wiki by browsing to [ visit this link]. Should you have linked to a file that for just about any cause isnt entirely available from your own website, your podcast will not work precisely since Word-press wont have the correct file size information when its up. To compare more, people should check out: [
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