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Growth of Brain:So the brain is boss, but it can't do it alone. It needs some nerves - actually a lot of them. And it needs the spinal cord, which is a long bundle of nerves inside your spinal column, the vertebrae that protect it. It's the spinal cord and nerves - known as the nervous system - that let messages flow back and forth between the brain and body.

The manufacture has to take care for its smell to keep for the longer periods.

???? Weakness of various parts of the body, especially an arm or a leg

In a world where tons of foods are available in the market, we wonder how come we still end up with so many illnesses, many of which are life threatening and fatal. I'm sure you all know the general answer to this. A while ago, I just read an article that fast food can cause Alzheimer's later on in life. I've also read about the top 5 cancer causing food. To wit: hot dogs, bacon, donuts, fries, chips/cookies. Many of our modern day food are cancerous. Thus, it is about time that we go back to the basics.

???? Vomiting, which may or may not be associated with nausea. It is more common in children than adults.

? Hormones
For more information on diet, nutrition, health, weight loss or fitness contact DesiDieter Health and Diet Experts.

Drink water - You might be confusing hunger for thirst. A basic rule is:
The other [[ improving memory]] category of symptoms has to do with the tumor's location and the pressure effects it produces on nearby structures.
4.The analysis of musical passages and learning the theory involved is another mental exercise when you play piano. It's brain food at its finest. Chords, melodies, and changes are all rooted in complex musical theory. It pays dividends to learn and understand how music is put together.

If you are not following these guidelines at this time, choose just one area where you can make a change to something healthier. If you continue to make small changes, over time you will find that your brain health and energy are reaching new heights!

According to some studies, results claim that people normally use only 10% of their brain?s total capacity. This means that people have so much more to explore about their brains and their intelligence. In order for you to maximize the use of your brain, here are some things you can try doing.?

Talk to people or to yourself. Talking is like writing. The only difference is that you convey your thoughts orally. What is good about talking is that you are able to exercise different parts of your brain. Learning how to talk with different people and how to explain things to them will make your brain healthier. Therefore, whenever there is a chance, start a healthy conversation with someone.?
- Fish - rich in omega 3 fatty acids that hinder that blockage of in your blood vessels. When your blood vessels are free from fats [[ and]] cholesterol, blood flows freely, bring more oxygen to the brain and therefore fuels your brain to work better. Eat fish at least twice a week to help lower cholesterol for better brain power. If you are one of those people who dislike the taste of fish, better take an omega 3 fatty acid supplement.
Identify Triggers - Do you have food cravings when you're bored, lonely, or stressed? If you can identify a trigger, you can deal with the emotion that's making you desire a certain food.

- Gingko Biloba
1.Piano playing increases coordination. In order to play piano, your hands must develop independent coordination. This is one of the basic ways to keep your mind sharp. Each hand must often perform entirely different movements, and the brain must tell each hand what to do. By learning separate hand coordination, you stimulate several different areas of the brain. Practice each hand separately, and then combine the movements of each hand.
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