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How many times a day do you look at your cell phone? Too frequently to count and even keep track of most likely, right? What about if youre out and about on your bike? Perhaps its cycling to work, a journey to the stores or just through the park for pleasure. Exactly what do you do with your phone then? Where do you put your phone whilst riding your bike? We have all had the issue with not knowing where to put our cell whilst riding along, it just seems impossible to find that safe and safe and secure spot. You have actually probably, like me, attempted holding it in your hand, tucked it in a side pocket or possibly even balanced it precariously. If you are interested in marketing, you will perhaps choose to read about [ Check out this Cell Phone Mount product now]. As an eager bike rider, it had been be a genuine issue for me, but I found an answer, and now I love to share it with others. A few weeks ago a close friend of mine, Natalie, dropped her phone whilst biking to work. Her phone was in her pocket one minute and the next it was crashing to the roadway. She felt it slipping out but with both hands on the handlebars, there was nothing she could do to stop it falling. She quickly returned to collect it up only to find the screen was completely smashed. I asked her why she had never ever taken a look at getting a bike mount for her phone. Her reply was that she never ever recognized such a device existed or, even if she had, she would not have believed she would require one - until her phone fell and broke. I suggested she should, as I had, buy the GatorGrip Bike Mount from Amazon, which is pretty low-cost at 14.95, yet very good quality. Also, it has a lifetime warranty, so theres nothing to lose. The GatorGrip, as the name implies, firmly grips the phone in its sturdy jaws, holding it safely, yet gently at the same time. Not only is the phone held firmly, but you can check the screen too. Natalie took my advice and is now positive that her phone will certainly forever be safe, and feels sure she will never ever need to pay for a screen phone repair once more. Also, she tells me shes now making terrific use of her phones GPS function whilst cycling around town. So, gain from the suggestion I gave Natalie and click the link to get yourself a GatorGrip phone mount..
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