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If youre anything like me, sacrificing your health for the sake of feeling pretty simply does not sit right. I used to think that there were no great hair products that are natural - AND - that would bring me amazing, stunning hair. However that has changed since I found LuxeOrganix Rejuvenating Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. I was referred to it when I saw an Amazon ad that stated, "When Women Want to Feel Beautiful - and Respect their Need for Wellness and Quality of Life - LuxeOrganix is what they use." "...A High Quality, Natural Alternative To Salon-Quality Hair Shampoo and Conditioner - No Parabens, Sulfates or Sodium Chloride." OK You have my attention It sounds too great to be true, so I started investigating all I might find about the benefits of Argan Oil, and if there were any trusted references that could bring me a "warm-fuzzy" feeling about it. I discovered that Moroccan Argan Oil is the secret hair solution of women like J Lo Jennifer Lopez, Nicole Richie, Jessie J and Kelly Rowland you might have heard of these celebrities. ;- So I said to myself, "Why not? they have a 100 satisfaction guarantee," and placed my Amazon order. 2 days after purchasing through Amazon prime complimentary shipping, too YES, I tore open my box with quivering fingers like an excited little kid on Christmas day. I delicately loosened the cap and instantaneously felt the desire to give my brand-new Argan Oil hair shampoo and conditioner a taste "Say what?" YES, it smelled that delicious Like a cream-sickle ice cream cone ... or orange sherbet The gentle citrus scent was such an unanticipated delight, I simply couldnt wait any longer to jump in the tub and give it a whirl My bathing experience with LuxeOrganix is one Ill never forget. The intoxicating cocktail that I smoothed on my hair spurred blissful images that danced between delighting in a McDonalds orange creamsicle on my summer-time road trips - and then quickly my thoughts were taken over by the dream of the beautiful, smooth locks that undoubtedly would be mine very soon. I saw that my frizzy, tangled hair was swiftly tamed by the creamy conditioner. After rinsing I dried my hair and was happily greeted by a mirror image that I wished would be lasting. My hair was glossy, voluminous - and yes, stunning Me being skeptical as I am - I thought about what was next ... Would my locks feel fantastic only for today? Or could I get a day or more additional from this wash without it resulting in being oily? In the past, I regularly had issues with balancing not enough or too much hydration, and then coping with oily hair the day after a wash. Once more, I was surprised with yet another unanticipated result - I didnt have to wash for 2 days and my hair didnt get greasy. YESSSS Since I was excited as a school-girl about my brand new treasure, I NEEDED to tell my girl-friends about it. Dig up more on an affiliated link by clicking [ Click for more about this argan oil shampoo product]. One by one, they started to give it a shot. I have to confess, I was quite amazed when my buddies with fine hair said they were liking it and couldnt believe how soft and thick their hair felt. You would think that an oil Argan Oil in this case would weigh down hair, or at a minimum make it oily. But thats not what they experienced. My curly girlfriends are utilizing it, too, and theyre saying its the best hair product theyve used; its smoothing out what used to be frizzy curls. One of my girlfriends is reducing using a straightener on her hair like she did before. Another nice perk is that Argan Oil is extracted mainly by ladies in a protected region of Morocco. It feels awesome utilizing a product that was created by women, for ladies. :- I simply cant say enough about LuxeOrganix Argan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner. This one is a womans dream come true... you definitely want to try it.
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