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You might remember spring cleaning the-way I do. Everything was scoured, scrubbed, dusted, cleaned and aired. To-day spring cleanup isnt always done as carefully as it was when I was a child. I remember beginning all of the windows, seeking out any cobwebs that produced during the cold temperatures, cleaning windows and blinds and allowing outdoors in. I keep in mind cleaning anything whether it was nailed down or not. Spring cleaning was an important undertaking, usually requiring many days to perform. I actually do my spring cleaning however. I look for cobwebs, generate outdoors, and wash curtains, win-dows and such. One thing I dont do today is put slipcovers on all the furniture. I dont know very many people who try this anymore. In a, I miss it. I remember getting fixed slipcovers in brilliant and light colors on all the furniture for that warm weather months. It completely changed the look and feel of the rooms. It had been a pleasant change. Once the cleaning was done and the summertime slipcovers were on the furniture the complete house felt new and clean and new. Yet another section of spring cleaning was cleaning out things we no longer required. We collected the toys we had outgrown, garments that no longer fit us, and whatever else we no longer wanted or needed, when we were children. I have been contemplating those times the past couple of months. I recently cleansed my garage in expectation of spring cleaning. I was astonished by the quantity of material I'd gathered. I was also a little sentimental and astonished about the things my kids had located inside your home. All this thought about spring cleaning, but, also makes me think about how important it's for all people to engage in a little spring cleaning of-the heart and head and soul. I dont know if my mother consciously thought about other types of cleaning when she attacked the gathered dust of cold temperatures, but I find that my cleaning and cleaning is a good time-to think. I have been using spring cleaning as a time for reflection for numerous years now. I use the period for reflection to test to do only a little spring cleaning of soul, heart and head. Why is this. We collect, and ideas, emotions and usually cultivate that clutter our minds and spirits, making them dingy. I love using that house cleaning time-to consider and deal with things that I have to free myself of as a way to be happier. We often dont realize that deep in our minds and hearts we still hold, and even nurture, old anger or bitterness. We often dont understand that we are carrying shame and frustration and various kinds of hurt. I think spring cleaning may be the great possibility to think about and free ourselves of those types of thoughts and feelings. in 2013 as you do your spring cleaning, I'd challenge you to do a spring cleaning of your heart, mind and spirit and like a fresh breeze invigorating your pleasure. When you are rubbing, think about old problems, anger and shame. And focus the mind o-n dealing with them and eliminating the debris they have created. We discovered [[ any clean]] by searching newspapers. As you search for cobwebs, search out your worries and your fears. By the time you finish your house-cleaning, you can also produce an unfettered and clean mind and soul that's ready to grasp the promise of a lighter and lighter year.CarpetFirst 78 York Street London W1H 1DP 020 8099 8444

Spring Cleaning In Retirement
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