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The legal assistant as the name suggests is there to assist the lawyer. It is vitally essential to know that the paralegal cannot give legal guidance or act as a lawyer. What the p.. Paralegal or Legal Assistant is an thrilling profession in the Criminal Justice field. It is difficult to think about a law office without a paralegal. They can be described as the appropriate hand of the lawyer. In this post I examine the role of the paralegal or legal assistant in the criminal justice field. The legal assistant as the name suggests is there to assist the lawyer. It is vitally critical to know that the paralegal can not give legal assistance or act as a lawyer. What the paralegal does need to be below the supervision of a lawyer. The paralegal can do the following below the watchful eye of a lawyer: 1. The paralegal can conduct client interviews. They should identify themselves as paralegals to the client before beginning the interview. In this instance, the legal assistant helps the lawyer ascertain the details of a case by talking to the client. This saves the lawyer important time. The lawyer can use that time to function on tactics for the case. two. The legal assistant can find and interview witnesses. If you watched the movie Erin Brockovich, you saw Julia Roberts play the role of a paralegal that locates and interviews clients. In 1 of the scenes, she clearly states that she is not a lawyer. This underlines the point above that paralegals can not give legal guidance. It also underlines the point that they determine themselves as such. three. Legal assistants can investigation and prepare legal documents. Paralegals do acquire the training and experience needed to prepare legal documents. All the lawyer has to do is double check the function to make positive it meets the legal requirements that such document requires. Again, I dont have to tell what a valuable timesaver this is to a lawyer. 4. The paralegal can attend court trials. In this case, they assist the lawyer with the case files. This way the lawyer is not fumbling in court seeking for files or evidence. The paralegal is there to keep him or her organized. I can write much more volume on the role of the legal assistant or paralegal in the criminal justice field, but you get the point. It is indeed an exciting profession. Believe of all the intriguing issues that can be involved in a legal case. As a paralegal, you can be in the middle of it all. Note: You are free to reprint or republish this article. [[ Blue Bell Pa Dui Lawyer]] includes further concerning the inner workings of this thing.McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. 1025 Valley Forge Road, #192 Fairview Village, PA 19409 610-680-7842

The Function Of The Paralegal Or Legal Assistant In The Criminal Justice Field
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