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The Perfect Telescoping Extension Pole for GoPro Hero 3 - Getting Those Breathtaking Shots There is this unbelievable sensation when you are whooshing down a mountain, covered in fresh powder, and the sun is shining and the only sounds you can hear are the wind and your board on the snow. And I had the ability to take that to the extreme-- a three week trip to New Zealand. Going To [ Continue reading about this GoPro Extension Pole product] certainly provides suggestions you could use with your dad. With my GoPro video camera in tow, me and my two good friends snowshoed, cross-country skied, and most importantly, snowboarded, all over the country! After getting my Hero 3 last year and snowboarding with it on the slopes of my Colorado home, I discovered that to obtain those incredible photos and videos, I needed to find a way to shoot at another angle. Thats when I discovered the unbelievable GoRad Gear Animas extension pole to obtain those rad shots. It was a no-brainer to buy this for my vacation. You most likely got your GoPro for reasons like my own; to get amazing images and videos of you doing your thing. Mine is snowboarding, and I know this is the ideal accessory for my sport. Its lightweight and easy to hold, and the different lengths made it awesome for getting views of me, my friends, and the incredible nation we journeyed through. Its strong, resilient design never ever failed me-- and I put it through some super difficult situations. Plus, it has an incredibly practical case so I was able to attach it to my pack, which was terrific for every activity we did. I like that I got it on Amazon, too. I grew up using Amazon to purchase a lot of things, so the first place I looked was online. Fantastic price, and it got to me fast, so it arrived in time for my trip. Overall, it was a simple and easy buy, and I have experienced absolutely no issues from purchase to now. I honestly love this pole and the shots I got with it were breathtaking. It is the perfect solution for capturing those extraordinary images no matter what you require it for. You need to click the link below and purchase GoRad Gears The Animas pole-- seriously, you will certainly love it!.
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