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Professional athletes have been around in the news a lot over the past couple of years, both being accused or admitting to using performance-enhancing drugs. Major-league baseball has taken several hits with accusations being brought against some of their top players, including home-run king Mark McGwire, who took the sixth amendment to not incriminate himself during Congressional questioning about them. Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants, Jason Giambi of the New York Yankees, and Olympic sprinter Marion Jones are a few others, whove been accused of taking performance-enhancing drugs. More than 20 players were cast out from the 2004 Olympic Games for doping violations, and at-least two gold medal winners forfeited their benefits and medals for using such drugs. The abuse of ste-roids is most frequent among skilled athletes and bodybuilders, who feel the pressure to win against challenging opposition. The abuse of steroids has become so prevalent that President George W. Bush asked coaches, group owners, and professional players to stop all participants from using the performance-enhancing drugs. Though the effects of long-term use of steroids is sufficient to cause concern with frequently permanent and dangerous physical and emotional effects, it has been shown that teen players today are utilizing steroids at an alarming rate to the position that its the consideration of Congress and the President of the United States. Browsing To [ sponsor] perhaps provides suggestions you might give to your mother. Parents, too, are for good reason and extremely concerned. A federally funded annual survey of adolescents drug use from the University of Michigan, named Monitoring the Future, showed that in 2002 three percent of high school seniors had reportedly taken steroids one or more times. Other sources report that as many as five per cent of teens between the ages of 12 and 1-7 took it. Thats 1.1 million of our youngsters throughout the nation. Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst wants all Texas schools athletes to become the clearest athletes in-the nation and is proposing that all Texas schools athletes be randomly tested for steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Colorado schools has a sports program with more than 700,000 engaging students more than any state. To get other viewpoints, consider taking a gaze at [ small blue arrow]. Dewhursts proposal would cost about 2 million annually, which would be presented to the Texas schools through state funding especially for the random drug-testing pro-gram. Responses to Dewhursts suggestion have been combined within-the Texas Schools. A couple of local school district officials do not think such testing is important. Robert Owens, head football coach of Texas schools Robert E. Lee, situated in East Texas, stated that the fee wouldnt be worth the end result, assuming that the Texas schools have more of an issue with street drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. If the Texas schools tested for those, hed be all for it; but he doesnt think performance-enhancing drugs are that big of a challenge within the Texas schools athletic programs. H-e backed up his beliefs by stating that Texas schools instructors notice a change in system and would see their athletes daily and would see the mood swings associated with such drug abuse. H-e further suggested the cash would be better spent on education concerning the misuse of such drugs. Some Texas schools already do random drug testing using their athletes. Be taught further on this partner site - Navigate to this web site [ small blue arrow]. Lindale, Chapel Hill and Whitehouse are three such Texas schools districts, though Chapel Hill doesnt test for steroids. Not only do they believe the random testing keeps the athletes clean, but they also hope that it provides a reason to the students to say no. Florida schools student athletes had the most surprising a reaction to Dewhursts suggestion. Many said theyd not mind being examined. They know that such drugs makes for an uneven playing field and wish to keep their Texas schools running programs clean. There always will be the temptation to make use of performance-enhancing drugs to be able to have the advantage over your rivals to gain mass and strength. Be taught more on our partner wiki - Click here [ Vehicles Electric Automobiles website]. It has become especially attractive, understanding that so many professional athletes has used them..
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