Reputation Country Music

music - The origins of new bands can be found in southern Appalachian with fiddle recordings made at the conclusion of 1910. It was not before early 20s, however, that the type of recorded country music we hear today came into existence. Country's first commercial recording is made in 1922 by Eck Robertson on Victor Records. Vernon Dalhart was the initial national country star in 1924 using the song "Wreck with the Old '97." But a majority of historians point out 1927 when Victor Records signed Jimmie Rodgers, and also the Carter Family. Those two are believed because the true new bands originators.

Jimmie Rodgers

country - Jimmie Rodgers, known as the "Father of Country Music" was a national instant success. He could be credited using the first platinum selling single, "Blue Yodel # 1", and the catalog of songs, all recorded between 1927 and 1933, have earned him the glory of one with the first prominent voices in new bands. Rodgers died of complications of tuberculosis in 1933. He was awarded with a Country Music Hall of Fame in 1961).

The Carter Family

The Carter Family was the first famous vocal band of country music. The family was consists of members AP Carter, his wife Sara Dougherty Carter, and sister Maybelle Addington Carter. The audience flourished in the late 20s following the launch of their first assortment of songs in 1927. The different variants with the Carter Family continued to record and perform for decades. Two of their first hits, "Keep on the Sunny Side" and "Wildwood Flower" continue to be popular today.

Western Swing

The increase of Bob Wills and Western Swing from Texas and throughout the Midwest began in the late 1920s and reached its peak in the early 40s. Western Swing was led by horn sounds, upbeat jazz, big band sounds from New Orleans, Dixieland and blues influences. The drums were created by the western swing movement, and also the eclectic musical mix includes saxophones, pianos, and an instrument called Hawaiian steel guitar. Personalities include Bob Wills (the "King of Swing "), Light Crust Doughboys and Milton Brown (the "Father of Western Swing").


kip - Bill Monroe is known as the "Father of Bluegrass". Bill Monroe's Bluegrass Boys are credited with the first sort of bluegrass, a kind of the old time hillbilly mountain music from the origins in great britan and West Africa. Bluegrass took its name from your name Bill Monroe's Blue Grass Boys, which eventually included future stars for example Lester Flatt (guitar) and Earl Scruggs (banjo) that are now Bluegrass legends. Flatt and Scruggs had been a hit duo on their own in 1949. Bill Monroe was awarded with a New bands Hall of Fame in 1970 and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1997.
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