Ive done some tests in the last month or two about expiring domains with PR to see if it is worth your while to get these expired and wiped domains. My idea why Id want to use expired domains may be the notion that old domains are favored than new domains, and to obtain instant PR. So I attempt to find deleted areas with PR that I will enroll. For alternative interpretations, consider checking out: [http://www.sodahead.com//user/profile/4062582/linkliciouspricepreed/?editMode=true SodaHead.com - linkliciouspricepreed member: 4062582 - MO, US]. One characteristic of domains I was trying to find was that the domain still had a, and it was still listed in google. I wont be mentioning the particular domains here as I want to handle the results and prevent people from making backlinks to these domains. I registered about 4 areas, some have PR2 and PR3. Some have a few pages listed, some have a few thousand. I also bought several new areas for my new jobs. I discovered that google seldom visits these areas so I want to prime it but with some new backlinks. After producing some backlinks to these domains, two domains in the course of time lost their PR. Both of these domains have just a few pages listed in google. In one site, I did so a 301 permanent redirect to the newest index page. Its PR was retained by this domain. One crucial big difference this domain has set alongside the other two is that this domain has tens and thousands of pages listed in google. In still another domain, I did so a 301 and redirect it to a brand new domain. The result is that the new domain got indexed quicker and more pages were indexed in comparison to another new domain I listed at the same time frame. However, PR was down to 0. There is also an instance where I did a 301 redirect from a vintage deleted website with PR and never got any benefit from it. In conclusion, theres still contradictory results on whether buying deleted/expired domains. In case people claim to get further about [http://www.purevolume.com/lindex134w8/posts/9824412/Shopping for Discount Vitamins this month], we recommend millions of on-line databases people might think about investigating. Some works, some dont. This novel [http://blog.bizeso.com/BlogDetail.aspx?bid=106e3257-f94d-4082-8693-174dc74d4448 BIZESO BLOG: PPC AFFILIATE PROGRAMS] URL has several pushing suggestions for the purpose of it. But, what seem to work is that a. Visit [http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/linkcrawlerdoctor437/journal/view/id/55274154ac7ee99377d4165e needs] to check up where to see about it. Old erase domains does incorporate traffic from existing backlinks. If the old area has tons of backlinks, some traffic does be still generated by it. W. Other ses such as for instance google and bing do not appear to have an biases against expired/deleted areas..
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