Google keeps two separate listings of indexed webpages. The key index holds billions of pages, and this where many serps come from. The second reason is called the Supplemental index, and visitors will never see those pages unless they put in long and certain key words which are related only to some additional list page. For that reason, dont expect any pages within the Supple-mental catalog t... If your site is in Google Purgatory, prepare to invest time enduring. Google maintains two split up listings of indexed webpages. The main index contains billions of pages, and this where most search engine results result from. The second reason is named the Supplemental index, and searchers may never see those pages until they place in long and certain key-words that are appropriate only with a extra index site. Thus, dont assume any pages within the Supple-mental list to receive any major traffic from Google. Visit [] to explore the reason for it. Go to Google and run the standard query to learn whether your website in indexed -- If you start to see the words Supplemental Result following page size, that page is in the Supplemental results. Here are rational reasons to your pages to be within the Supplemental results: 1. Your site is duplicate information. 2. Your site does not have any real, original material. 3. The site is orphaned - thats, therere no links to it. 4. Your sites material has been scraped -- thats, youve only copied internet search engine results pages or modified RSS feeds to static HTML pages. 5. Youve used spammy techniques to promote your website. 6. Your site seems to occur simply to generate income. Use the page-to sell anything. 7. Your page computer software generates URLs using a SessionID. 8. Your sites pages are dynamically created -- and timed out when Googlebot was visiting your website. 9. Your dynamically generated page URLs contain
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